Annabel Walsh

Dr Walsh completed a BSc Hons Neuroscience at The University of Manchester and MRes Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL. She then specialised in mental health research and was awarded a DPhil Psychiatry from The University of Oxford in 2016. After some postdoctoral experience, she moved back to London and took up a position in the NIHR Maudsley BRC obtaining PRINCE project management accreditation. She now combines her mental health research and project management skills as the Senior Postdoctoral Research Project Manager for the MQ funded IDEA project and various spin-off projects. Her main area of interest is biomarker-based prediction in depression, from prediction of the occurrence of depression to the prediction of treatment response, with specialisms in the dopamine reward system, neuroimaging, inflammation, and remote measurement technologies. She is also a strong advocate for the involvement of those with lived experience in research and is herself a member of various lived experience advisory panels, including the NIHR Maudsley BRC FAST-R service and the McPin Foundation facilitated Tailoring evidence-based psychological therapy for People with common mental disorder including Psychotic Experiences (TYPPEX-LEAP).