Andre Tomlin

Profile photo of Andre Tomlin
André Tomlin is an Information Scientist with 20 years experience working in evidence-based healthcare. He's worked in the NHS, for Oxford University and since 2002 as Managing Director of Minervation Ltd, a consultancy company who do clever digital stuff for charities, universities and the public sector. Most recently André has been the driving force behind the Mental Elf and the National Elf Service; an innovative digital platform that helps professionals keep up to date with simple, clear and engaging summaries of evidence-based research. André is a Trustee at the Centre for Mental Health and an Honorary Research Fellow at University College London Division of Psychiatry. He lives in Bristol, surrounded by dogs, elflings and lots of woodland!


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New Family Nurse Partnership reports from the Department of Health


Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a preventive programme for vulnerable first time young mothers. It offers intensive and structured home visiting, delivered by specially trained nurses, from early pregnancy until the child is two. The Department of Health has published 3 new reports that provide the results of further evaluative studies of the FNP programme. [read the full story…]

New systematic review looking at emotional perception and social functioning in schizophrenia


People with schizophrenia often find it hard to do many of the day-to-day things that everyone else takes for granted. Simple tasks like eating healthily and washing can be challenging and more complex needs like developing relationships with other people and finding and holding down a job can seem like mountains to climb. Researchers refer [read the full story…]

Assertive outreach no better than standard care at preventing further suicide attempts in young people


Regular close contact with specially trained staff is generally regarded as the best course of treatment for someone who has recently attempted to kill themselves, in order to prevent a repeat suicide attempt. Of course it can be difficult to engage with this group of patients after-treatment, but recent research suggests that assertive and motivational [read the full story…]

Psychotic symptoms are associated with poorer health: findings from WHO survey


The WHO World Health Survey is a comprehensive international survey carried out across 70 countries, which uses face-to-face, telephone and online interviews to ask questions about the health of populations, public health risk factors, coverage and availability of health services and health care spending. The survey includes a number of questions relating to mental health [read the full story…]

Supporting carers with anticipatory grief for a loved one with dementia: systematic review


Caring for someone close to you with dementia can be a long and rocky road. Family carers often focus on the needs of their loved one and forget about their own health and wellbeing, which can make it harder to cope as time goes on. The relationship between the carer and the recipient of care [read the full story…]

More research is needed for cognitive behavioural therapy to help men who commit domestic violence


Men who physically abuse their partners are often treated with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Men sometimes sign up to these treatment programmes voluntarily, but are also sometimes obliged to participate by a court order. CBT can help change behaviour and also break established thinking patterns and beliefs, but is there any reliable evidence that this [read the full story…]

New report on preventing homelessness from the Ministerial Working Group on Homelessness


The Ministerial Working Group on Homelessness has published a new report on preventing and tackling homelessness, which builds on the plan that was announced back in July 2011. The new report aims to make sure that every contact local agencies make with vulnerable people and families really counts. It brings together government commitments to: Tackle troubled [read the full story…]

New mental health strategy for Scotland


The Scottish Government have published a new mental health strategy for the next 3 years, which aims to deliver faster access to mental health services for younger people, faster access to psychological therapies, work to reduce and prevent suicide and address stigma and discrimination. The strategy has 7 key themes, which came from the consultation [read the full story…]

How should we personalise treatment for adults with depression?


One of the criticisms that health professionals sometimes make of evidence-based research is that individual studies or reviews do not apply to the specific patient they are caring for. Of course, each patient is unique with their own values and preferences, as well as their own particular clinical characteristics, genetic make-up, biological markers and sociodemographic [read the full story…]

Strong association between unemployment and suicide shown in new BMJ study


How is the economic downturn affecting the health of the nation? It seems obvious to many of us that the mental wellbeing of people who are going through very tough personal and financial circumstances is likely to be seriously affected. Of course the ultimate price that people pay is with their lives and there has [read the full story…]