Alana Breen

Profile photo of Alana Breen
Alana is a post-graduate student of the MSc Psychological Therapies programme at the University of Edinburgh. She also holds a MSc Psychology degree from the University of Hertfordshire. Alana practices as a psychological therapist-in-training at the University of Edinburgh Centre for Psychological Therapies, where she works with children and young people with a wide range of mental health issues including anxiety; low mood / depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Alana is interested in interventions for trauma, anxiety and depression in children and young people.


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Telemental health is promising as an effective and engaging alternative for in-person therapy #TeleMentalHealth

Exactly how valuable is the face-to-face guidance that therapists provide during a video feedback session?

Liesbeth Tip summarises a recent umbrella review from the Mental Health Policy Research Unit, which finds that telemental health is a promising alternative for in-person therapy.

[read the full story...]