Tanya Garg

Profile photo of Tanya Garg
During my graduate and undergraduate years, my area of focus was stress and anxiety disorders, particularly PTSD. In three separate research projects, I investigated low-intensity cognitive interventions designed to prevent the occurrence of intrusive memories (mental imagery) of trauma in adult populations. Apart from research as part of the formal university curriculum, I assisted with other projects following this line of research at UCL (https://www.mentalimagery.co.uk/the-team). This is a domain I wish to pursue even at the doctoral level, where I would like to develop brief preventative cognitive interventions of transdiagnostic value that can be used in the immediate aftermath of trauma as a "cognitive vaccine", and also in other clinical problems such as depression and bipolar disorder in which mental imagery is implicated.


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Can Tetris help to reduce the intensity and distress of traumatic intrusive memories?

Sometimes life seems like Tetris: it throws at you several, different and unrelated things, and you try to mix and match them, and fit together everything at your best in a seemingly infinite struggle. 
Trying to clear the stage now and then, and maybe get that winning combo, just before everything becomes too overwhelming...

Shot on Canon 550D, edit in Lightroom Classic CC.

Tanya Garg blogs a study which finds that visuospatial tasks like playing Tetris, do not reduce the intensity and distress of intrusions after watching a traumatic film.

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Trauma-focused CBT for PTSD in patients experiencing an ongoing threat of trauma


In her debut blog, Tanya Garg summarises a systematic review that suggests trauma-focused CBT may be helpful for people with PTSD symptoms who are also experiencing an ongoing threat of trauma.

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