Nuala Murray explores a recent Australian case-control study that looks at the associations between changes in gut microbiota and schizophrenia diagnosis, treatment resistance, and clozapine response.
[read the full story...]Nuala Murray explores a recent Australian case-control study that looks at the associations between changes in gut microbiota and schizophrenia diagnosis, treatment resistance, and clozapine response.
[read the full story...]Samei Huda summarises a new network meta-analysis in the Lancet Psychiatry on the efficacy and effectiveness of antipsychotics for schizophrenia in research settings, such as randomised controlled trials, versus real-world and clinical settings.
[read the full story...]Lorna Staines summarises a recent study on predicting treatment-resistant psychosis, which suggests that future risk prediction efforts should seek to consider routinely collected data.
[read the full story...]Carmine Pariante is positive about a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of antidepressants for the treatment of depression in schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Tracey Roberts examines whether a retrospective observational study accurately investigates the effectiveness of second and first generation antipsychotics.
[read the full story...]Murtada Alsaif summarises a recent network meta-analysis, which looks at the efficacy, acceptability and tolerability of antipsychotics for treatment-resistant schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Tracey Roberts summarises a recent paper that reviews the existing literature concerned with switching antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia, and goes on to present the ongoing OPTiMiSE RCT in this field, which is due to be published in 2016.
[read the full story...]Schizophrenia is a crippling condition that often (in about 20-30% of patients) shows an inadequate response to first-line antipsychotic drugs. Because it is associated with significant, often devastating reductions in quality of life, the management of refractory cases of schizophrenia represents a major challenge to psychiatry. As pharmacotherapy is the treatment of choice, stringent guidelines [read the full story…]
Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic medication used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia, most usually used as a treatment of last resort where people have not responded to other anti-psychotic treatments. It has a number of severe side effects including and can also cause the excessive production of saliva and weight gain.. The researchers in [read the full story…]